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Dog Vaccinations



We vaccinate at 16 weeks of age and only for the following ONLY:
Distemper, Adenovirus Type 2, Parainfluenza, Parvo (MLV)
Anything else you choose to put in, or on your puppy, can have serious adverse reactions
and permanent health issues, the first time or over time.
Please read below to find out WHY we have chosen this.

List of American Holistic Veterinarians

Vets following Protect the Pets Protocol

List of Ontario Holistic Veterinarians

Over the years many pet owners and some "honest" non-corporate veterinarians have become concerned
about the harmful effects of Vaccines and especially over vaccinating (yearly vaccines)
Issues of concern such as dogs developing immune disease, such as but not limited to:
Immune Mediated Haemolytic Anaemia (IMHA), Autoimmune Haemolytic Anaemia (AIHA)
Thrombocytopenia, autoimmune meningitis (especially from Lepto vaccine)
Neurological disorders (often mislabelled as juvenile epilepsy), Meningoencephalitis, Encephalitis
Brain tumors and Cancers are also on the rise, because of vaccines.
!!! Seizures are also caused by Vaccines and or Flea/tick poison reactions !!!

It has also come to light, that Big Pharma has BOUGHT most Veterinary clinics
which means Vets have to sell products and or services to fill quotas.
Please find a Vet that is privately owned.

The other interesting fact to know, is that Veterinarians are Trained in school about
Immunology and medications by Pharmacutical Sales People (aka BIG PHARMA)
So your Vet will rarely help your pet, by reccomending helpful Holistic remedy's, or sending you home without product.
Vets are also taught nutrition by Corporations such as MARS that owns most kibble pet foods.
OWNER has to education themselves more on what they will or won't put into their pets.
Because Corporations and Big Pharma do NOT make profit, off of healthy pets who are not permanently medicated.
WARNING 2023 Bill Gates is at it again, and has put MRNA into Pet Vaccines !!!!
PLEASE ensure your Vet is NOT using MRNA Vaccines as they are KNOWN to cause chronic health problems !!!

We hope by providing the best and most up to date information that
our 'puppy people' can make educated choices
for the safety and health of their pets and NOT rely on a Vet (aka salesperson).
Your pups' health and future health is in YOUR hands.
Don't blame the breeder, blame the Vet !$$

Our pups go home with
(no vaccination)
Your puppy comes with maternal antibodies, that will provide puppy
with immunity response, for: Distemper, Adenovirus Type 2, Parainfluenza, Parvo
Some may think once their dog is vaccinated they can’t catch viruses
but viruses have different strains and reinvent themselves.
So unfortunately, dogs definitely can still catch viruses if they are vaccined
or not, but they are believed to have a less severe illness if antibodies are present.
Maternal antibodies passed from mom to pups, are said to be more robust, and have stronger
response, to viruses, than artificially generated response and we believe will also be more
responsive to current strains, though mom's exposure to other dogs and environments.

Maternal antibodies are said to be present until puppy is 16 weeks of age minimally (most often longer)
And this is why we encourage our puppy people to research and consider NOT to vaccinate until
16 weeks of age DO NOT REPEAT for 12 months.
Rabies never before 6 months of age
People still need to use common sense and keep puppy from strange grassy areas, strange dogs, Vet office/floors/counters
NO DOG PARKS, to avoid exposure to illnesses and diseases, until puppy is 6 months of age especially
as that is when it is believed that pups have their immune system fully developed.

The best and most effective method to check for antibodies to titer test a pup,
who has not yet been vaccinated. If the test shows that puppy has maternally
derived antibodies that are still present, vaccination is pointless,
as the antibodies are said to neutralize the vaccine.
Keeping in mind that ANY amount of Antibodies present, means that puppy HAS immunity.

However feel free to "challenge" this, by doing a Titer on your puppy, checking for Antibodies !!
When we first heard about passive immunity, we immediately decided to tire, instead of vaccinating
to challenge, and test this, and were very pleased to find out, our pups had desired protection.

1. Do one vaccine at 16 weeks, repeat in 1 year, good for 4 years.
2. Vaccinate puppy 3x, 9 weeks, 13 weeks, 17 weeks, repeat in 1 year, done for 4 years.
3. Titre test to see if puppy needs vaccines

receive their first and only vaccination at 16 weeks of age.
My first Puppy Vaccine at 16 weeks of age, will consist of the following at most:
Distemper, Adenovirus Type 2, Parainfluenza, Parvo (MLV)
(I Repeat in 12 months time, and then Titer every 3-4 years)
Or your puppy could seizure, have GI issues, brain swelling, or die.
STILL use common sense and avoid dog parks, public lawns and contact with foreign feces (poop)

I have shared what my Vaccination protocol is for pups I keep above,
and this is what I hope you will also follow. However, this being said
I have received feedback that
Pet Obedience Schools, Day Care and even some Dog Parks to "cover their butts"
will only accept a puppy, to their areas, that have had a series of 3 vaccines.
So if you wish 3 vaccines:
9 weeks of age: Distemper, Adenovirus Type 2, Parainfluenza, Parvo (MLV)
12 weeks of age:Distemper, Adenovirus Type 2, Parainfluenza, Parvo (MLV)
16 weeks of age: Distemper, Adenovirus Type 2, Parainfluenza, Parvo (MLV)
BORDETELLA (kennel cough) is a useless exposure to put your puppy through
but I do know that many day care and boarding facilities require this

Always stay with your pet so you can supervise, control, what they are doing
NEVER let them take your pet "to the back" for blood work or vaccines
If they refuse to have you there, with your pet, LEAVE and find a better Vet.
We have had pups receive the wrong vaccine, and even vaccinated 2x in one visit and seizure !!!
there has been numerous reports, of pups beaten and or injured.

Always visit the Vet Mon-Thursday in the morning
so that should puppy have any reactions, the Vet will still be open.
We also encourage you to space out the Rabies and any other vaccines you get.

Preventative and or Treatment for Vaccinosis symptoms (dogs adverse reaction to vaccines):
Silica, Thuja (you can give as a preventative prior to receiving vaccines)

98 S Main Street
Newtown, CT
06470, United States
203-690-2866 or drrobb@protectthepets.com also on Facebook as Protect the Pets
Dr. Robb has been very proactive about NOT over-vaccinating and so
he is offering Titres at an affordible price to help fight overvaccination.
*Click here to ORDER a Titre from Dr. Robb
Rabies (RFFT) $55
Rabies (RFFT) + Core $80
Core Only (Distemper, Parvo, Adenovirus) $50
Rabies End Point Titer (not for travel) $125

Your puppy is said to have protection 36 hours after receiving Vaccination (if vaccination was needed)
Your puppy could "shed" antigen or be contagious 3-10 after receiving a vaccination.
Maternal antibodies (protection from common canine diseases) should last at least until 16 weeks of puppy age

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LEGALLY in most of North America, you are only obligated to vaccinate for Rabies
every 3 years as of 2017
(soon to be changed to every 7 years)
2023 - rabies is also being produced with MRNA... please avoid this !!!!

Rabies contains mercury (Thimerosal is a mercury-based preservative)
YES even the vaccine that says it is mercury free
because mercury wasn't added directly to the vaccine, but used in production
the vaccine manufacturers can claim the vaccine is thimerosal-free.

Rabies vaccine is dosed for the size of an 80lbs dog
so we want you to wait until puppy is their adult weight
before you give them a Rabies vaccine, so less of a chance of them overdosing.
I would prefer people to wait until 12 months of age, if this is possible.

2022 BEWARE of allergy medication: Cytopoint or Apoquel
has caused a lot of pet deaths


Dr. Robb has been very proactive about NOT over vaccinating and so
he is offering Titres at an affordible price to help fight overvaccination.
*Click here to ORDER a Titre from Dr. Robb
drrobb@protectthepets.com also on Facebook as Protect the Pets
Rabies (RFFT) $55
Rabies (RFFT) + Core $80
Core Only (Distemper, Parvo, Adenovirus) $50
Rabies End Point Titer (not for travel) $125

Titres cost around $50.00 for distemper, Parvo, Adenovirus
and it is recommended repeat Titres every 3-4 years time to check the antibody count
as you may not need to vaccinate.

Once our mom's have retired, they no longer receive vaccines
or even Rabies for the duration of their lives.
Our Poodles do not receive Flea, Tick or Heartworm medication
as we do not believe in subjecting our Poodles to a toxic soup
of chemicals and harming them or their pups.

*Click here to Learn More About Titre Testing

Our vet and most "health clinics", charges $50.00 for Titres.
BUT, this is my belief and you will have to read current information and make
an informed choice for yourself and your Poodle. Your Vet works for you and is a salesperson
with products to sell, it is up to you the owner to make informed choices for your pet's health !!!

Read more about Flea, Tick and Heart Worm are Pesticides !!
NEVER EVER give ORAL flea/tick/heart worm POISONS !!!!!!
Too many dogs have overdosed on these Poisons that acts on thyroid gland and central nervous system
Flea/tick/heart worm chemicals are PESTICIDES that is how they Kill parasites.
NEVER routinely treat for multiple parasites as you are giving your puppy multiple POISONS.
In 30 years I have never had and never treated my dogs for Heartworm
because there is very little if any incidence around me.
I do not routinely use flea/tick poison, as again I have no issue.
IF I travel I will use Revolution or Advantix II the 1x and that eliminates the problem.
I do want all my puppy people to be aware that the chemicals they put in and on their puppy
can cause permanent damage to organs, neurological systems, and cause cancer. So choose wisely.

Our health guarantee is void if anyone vaccinates against Lyme, Leptospirosis and or Coronavirus vaccine
There is a vaccine for leptospirosis, but I absolutely don't recommend it.
It is a relatively weak bacterial vaccine that is short acting
and can't protect against all 20 serovar of the Leptospira bacteria.
In fact, it is actually ineffective for the current serovar that
is causing the majority of infections in my area today.

The leptospirosis vaccine is a bacterin (a vaccine made from killed bacteria)
which in and of itself won't prompt
an immune response to make antibodies, so a powerful adjuvant
(usually a heavy metal such as aluminum or mercury, aka thimerosal)
is added that elicits a strong immune system response.
Because of this, it also carries a significantly greater risk for adverse reactions.
Information has recently emerged that the vaccine can actually cause the disease in dogs,
and it has also been linked to early kidney failure in older animals.

Leptospirosis symptoms are pretty easy for owners to spot and receive treatment for.
Most common antibiotics will kill leptospira such as ordinary penicillin,
tetracycline and erythromycin all work well.
So owners have to consider if the 1/1000 chance
(please confirm stats for your area) of their dog catching Lepto,
is worth the risk of yearly exposing their dog to life threatening toxins
being injected into their dogs, causing lifelong health problems.



"Dogs and cats" immune systems mature fully at six months.
If a modified live virus vaccine is given after six months of age,
it produces immunity, which is good for the life of the pet
(i.e.: canine distemper, parvo, feline distemper).
If another MLV vaccine is given a year later, the antibodies from the first vaccine
neutralize the antigens of the second vaccine and there is little or no effect.
The titer is not "boosted" nor are memory cells induced. Not only are
annual boosters for parvo and distemper unnecessary
they subject the pet to potential risks of allergic reactions
and immune-mediated haemolytic anemia.

There is no scientific documentation to back up label claims for annual administration of MLV vaccines.
Puppies receive antibodies through their mother's milk. This natural protection can last 8-14 weeks.
Puppies and kittens should NOT be vaccinated at LESS than eight weeks.
Maternal immunity will neutralize the vaccine and little protection (0-38%) will be produced.

Vaccination at six weeks will, however, delay the timing of the first highly effective vaccine.
Vaccinations given two weeks apart suppress rather than stimulate the immune system.
A series of vaccinations is recommended given starting at
eight-nine weeks and given three to four weeks apart up to 16 weeks of age.
Another vaccination given sometime after six months of age
(but usually at one year of age) will provide lifetime immunity.

Most Leptospirosis strains (there are about 200) do not cause the Leptospirosis disease
and of the seven clinically important strains
only four ~ L. icterohaemorrhagiae, L. canicola, L. grippotyphosa, and L. pomona serovars ~
are found in today's vaccines.
So, exposure risk, depends upon which serovars of Lepto have been documented
to cause clinical leptospirosis in the area where you live.
You can call the county health department or local animal control and ask.

Over the years many pet owners and veterinarians have become concerned
about the potentially harmful practice of annual re-vaccination.
As immune disease such as but not limited to: Autoimmune Haemolytic Anaemia (AIHA)
Cancer and Chronic Disease in canines increase.
As a result of these facts, new studies on the duration of immunity are being done.

Dog Vaccinations Be Informed


This is a combo vaccination that covers numerous diseases with one injection. What do all those letters stand for?


This is an upper respiratory infection also known as kennel cough. This infection is usually not fatal but is a pain to get rid of.
In an otherwise healthy dog will clear up all on it's own just like the human cold and just like the human flu virus there are strains of bordetella.
The infection can spread quickly through boarding and grooming facilities and any place dogs congregate.
The vaccination can be in the form of a nasal spray or injection. We think it makes most sense to give it intranasally at the point of exposure.
The injection form will need a booster in one month. Your veterinarian can help you decide if this vaccination is necessary for your dog
If you are bording your dog they usually do require this vaccination.

Lyme Disease:

This is a tick borne illness. If you live in a wooded area and have a large number of positive Lyme disease cases in your area
you may wish to consult with your Vet about this vaccination. The deer tick must stay attached to your dog for one to two days
in order to transmit the illness, so checking your dog daily for ticks will help prevent Lyme disease as well as using
a good tick preventative Advantix or Revolution.
Symptoms include but are not limited to: fever, swollen lymph nodes, and loss of appetite.
Talk to your veterinarian if you think your dog should be vaccinated against Lyme disease with the Lymevax vaccine.
Great web page about Lyme Disease
More Information about Flea and Tick Medication Options


Giardiasis is a parasite that lives in the intestines and can be passed into the environment through the stools of infected animals (Rabbits, Mice, and other dog's feces).
Dogs become infected with giardia by drinking contaminated water. Humans can also be infected.
At risk dogs would be those who live primarily outdoors, hunting dogs, or dogs who may come in contact with ponds or creeks.
If you feel your pet has Giardia, then talk to your veterinarian about vaccinating for giardia.
This vaccine needs boosted 3 weeks after the initial dose then given annually.
Giardiavax is not a "prevention" but is used to help clear up Giardia in an infected dog
Giardia causes its unpleasant effects on the body not by invading the tissues, but simply by being in the way.
It multiplies to the point where it sort of paves the lining of the intestine and blocks normal digestion (malabsorption).
This causes only partially digested food to get lower in the digestive tract than it should, causing diarrhea.
Tests for Giardiasis are useless because it can't always be detected. It is better just to treat for Giardiasis if you suspect it.
Safe-Guard® Canine Dewormer (contains 22.2% Fenbendazole) used for 3 days will take care of Giardiasis.


Coccidiosis is an intestinal disease that affects several different animal species including canines and humans.
Coccidia is one of the most prevalent protozoal infections in North American animals, second only to giardia.
Clinical signs of coccidiosis usually are present or shortly following stress such as weather changes; weaning; overcrowding; long automobile or plane rides;
relocation to a new home and new owners; and/or unsanitary conditions.
Symptoms or signs of coccidiosis will depend on the state of the disease at the time of observation.
In general, coccidiosis affects the intestinal tract and symptoms are associated with it.
In mild cases, only a watery diarrhea may be present, and if blood is present in the feces, it is only in small amounts.
Severely affected animals may have a thin, watery feces with considerable amounts of intestinal mucosa and blood.
Straining usually is evident, rapid dehydration, weight loss and anorexia (off feed) also may be clinically visible.



The active ingredient in Safe-Guard®, fenbendazole, (Panacur) has been shown, in controlled laboratory studies and clinical field trials,
to have outstanding efficacy against the major intestinal worms that infect dogs, namely:
Tapeworms ( Taenia pisiformis )
Roundworms ( Toxocara canis, Toxascaris leonina )
Hookworms ( Ancylostoma caninum, Uncinaria stenocephala )
Whipworms ( Trichuris vulpis )

Strongid T (more information here is a medication used to treat and control parasites such as:
The medicine contains the active ingredient pyrantel pamoate (Nemex®)
Must be administered two days in a row and repeated in 10 days.

Blue-Green Algae:

Blue-Green Algae kills dogs that drink or contact the algae (Cyanobacteria).
It is found in stagnant water and there is no cure.
Symptoms of Blue Green Algae Toxicity include: nausea, bloody diarrhea, pale gums, skin or eye irritations,
convulsions and, in severe cases, even death within minutes.
When the nervous system is involved, dogs will develop muscle tremors,
labored breathing and difficulty moving. Blue Green Algae toxicity is often misdiagnosed as heart problems or heat stroke.
There are lots of photos and videos online so make sure to learn about this deadly toxin.


Campylobacter is a form of food poison. It can be passed from people to dogs and then back to people again.
It is also referred to as "Show Crud" as it is very common in show dogs.
Symptoms are Diarrhea cause can be contaminated Fecal matter, non-chlorinated water, such as streams, ponds or puddles,
food poisoning from food or from a human who has food poison, even a light case.
Drugs for treatment are Tetracycline, Erythromycin and some have had success using Cephalexin.

Heart Worm Medication

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