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* Bijou Poodles are world famous for our CALM, Loving Natures *
*Beautiful, CORRECT, Conformation*


"A Poodle's intelligence is a direct reflection of the time, effort and love its owner dedicates to it."
If you've got a Poodle with issues, chances are, you have got neglectful owners."

~ Laurie Rollins, Trainer, Groomer ~

Is the Standard Poodle for me ?
While the Standard Poodle is the perfect breed for everyone.
Not everyone is the perfect owner for the Standard Poodle.
Standard Poodles are highly intelligent and will thrive best in a home
where the owners have the time, know how and energy to raise a puppy properly.

I really can't stress enough that no puppy, of any breed, comes trained.
You must be prepared for weeks of no sleep, constant running a puppy outside to toilet puppy
and lots of cleaning up messes, and destruction, if the owner is not diligent and clear with corrections.
AND showing puppy what is desirable behaviour. You must first teach a puppy what you like them doing
before you "correct" a puppy for what you don't like.

"When you first get your pup, if you find yourself exhausted, sometimes a bit frazzled,
chances are, you are doing everything right".

~ Laurie Rollins - Trainer, Groomer ~

Standard Poodles and all breeds in general, function best in homes where they have a good Pack Leader
who is willing to invest the time it takes to properly socialize, PRAISE, train them and spend time with them.
Standard Poodles will take 4-6 months of teaching them proper manners, and desirable behaviour through praise,
how to walk on a leash, not to jump on strangers, not to nip, mouth or bite people or the leash
and to be quiet in their cage when ever their owner puts them in there.
If you feel that giving a physical correction is "mean" then you are not a suitable owner for one of our browns.
Fair, Firm and Consistant is key to puppy training.

NEVER... Give "warnings" i.e. "Fifi stop, Fifi Stop, Fifi Stop, FIFI" !
and then loose it and get mad at your puppy, and wonder why he does not listen, well that does not work.
NEVER give a command and not be prepared to get up, and enforce the command, or you loose all respect.
NEVER plead with a puppy to do something, "come on puppy please come here, please",
Well you have created a dog with selective hearing, deaf to your commands and or pleas
and one that does not respect you, because you are inconsistent and there is no consequence for not listening to you.
Your lack of consistency and consequence, also tells the dog they are the boss, not you.
You will have a dog that loves you, but they will never respect you or other weak humans.

However give your dog a known command 1x and enforce that command (move and correct) tells them that you are a good leader, to follow forever and you care enough to train them.
These dogs not only love their owners, but they respect them too, as their Pack Leader (fur parent)
These puppies grow up to be the dogs that are welcome everywhere, because they have such great manners.

I only want to place my pups in a home with a good clear leader. To do otherwise would not be fair
to my innocent, willing to please puppies. Owners that are not clear leaders cause stress and behaviour problems.
If you are not prepared to provide a physical correction to puppy, do not get one of my "brown" pups.
Puppy needs to first learn what is good behaviour through Owners showing them, praising them and physical affection.
My pups have been corrected by their mother with a scary amount of force and you will also need
to be able to provide this to one of our pups, to help them learn right from wrong the FIRST time,
once they know what is "good" to do or offer you.

I really can't stress enough that your puppy will be more of what you already have.
If you have a hyper out of control dog/child already, this is the dog/child that will be teaching/influencing the new puppy.
AND is a direct result of how you taught that dog to be.
Those are the same skills, behaviours that you offer the puppy, so you won't get different results.

If you have children that are allowed to run wild through a restaurant, or stand up in booths,
whine in grocery stores and are pacified by constant empty threats or bribes
(ie "be good and mommy will buy you a chocolate bar"... "mommy is counting to three".... )
"Jimmy go to a time out"
You will have a monster of a puppy, no matter how great the foundation we lay
both genetically and environmentally, even with all our desensitizing and puppy raising techniques
because you are not a good Leader. You just will not spend the energy needed to teach a puppy.
Having a lack of a proper pack leader, will sabotage all of our efforts.

If you have anxiety, or the inability to cope with life, no matter what solid puppy we send you
it will not end up not developing into a confident well adjusted dog,
because you lack the skills to share with that puppy on how
to cope with life stressors. Your puppy will only be as good as your ability
to mirror qualities that you want in your puppy.
Also important to know that if you have Eating Disorders or GI Upset,
puppy may have too, because again your issues are what you are going to teach puppy.
Someone with psychological issues, would be best to consider getting an older dog
who has a calm state of mind, and is already cemented in their behaviour.

We desensitize our pups and do a lot of stimulation and biosensor with them, all that we do,
really does prepare them for anything. You will get a fearless puppy who will remain fearless and confident
as long as you don't foster and fears or fearful behaviour.
An example is stairs. Some owners totally baby their pups in going up and down stairs.
They will beg, bribe, baby talk, even place feet up each stair for them.
Well I stand back and watch my pups wheels turn, and how they are now thinking
"wow why would I ever walk up stairs when my mom does not think I can, and I get tons of attention"
Again they loose all respect for their "soft" owners.
they get a tug up the first stair and praise and tug next stair and praise and soon they are running up stairs
because they learn I believe they can do it, so they believe they can too and
they do it all on their own, and they enjoy doing it because it pleases me !

Owners that coddle their pups for their fear of stairs or anything new
will be still carrying their older puppy up and down stairs for MONTHS...
and those pups have just trained their owners to do this !!LOL
Pups also learn their owners don't trust or believe in them, so they loose confidence.

Even the best Poodle puppy can be destroyed by a bad owner like the above one.
No leadership, no rules, no corrections will really destroy any great foundation we have laid.

It is also very important that people know that puppy won't do anything that you do not let them do
or you have not taught them is acceptable behaviour, same as children.
If you have a problem with a puppy jumping, it is because you let them jump without adequate correction.
If you have a puppy mouthing or biting, it is because you have allowed them to nip and bite without a adequate correction.
If you have a puppy afraid of lightening or thunder, it is because you have comforted them when they or you were scared
Don't allow the puppy to do anything that you don't want them to do, from day one.
IF you don't know how to handle a puppy that jumps, nips or bites, then you are not ready for a puppy.
IF you do not understand what adequate correction is for a puppy, then you are not ready for a puppy.
IF you are not ready for a puppy, please do us both a favor and buy from someone else.

Csar Millan helping with a fearful dog
Notice he does not comfort, coddle or sooth the dog with any senseless "chatting" or patting


Puppy's will mirror what they see is acceptable pack behaviour.
When the doorbell rings and you drop everything and run to that door, your puppy has learned that doorbells
and even company, is something to get VERY excited over and you will have created a hyper puppy
and even a puppy that pees when excited.

When you take puppy in the car and you say "where are we going..are we going to the cottage"..
puppy may not understand what you are saying
but puppy will know that you are very excited and anxious and they will follow your energy level often whining, drooling, barking
scratching, running back and forth in the back seat and maybe even getting car sick every time they go into the car.
If you coddle or pet a dog and feel sad for them for the long journey in the car or cage
this will also lead to the above anxiety issues. Now, Look what "you" have created.

If when a thunderstorm is rolling in and puppy displays any fears and you pat
coddle and say "it is OK it will be over soon" and worse keep puppy on your lap coddling
you will have just created a fearful puppy that feels mom is afraid of thunderstorms so I should be to.
Or I have seen people go crazy when a thunderstorm rolls in, by running around bringing in laundry,
closing up windows and acting..well crazy
This also will teach puppy that they should and need to be scared of what is coming as well.

I really can't stress enough that we have provided you with a fearless puppy that has been
totally desensitized to all sorts of noises and stimulus.
What you put into teaching your puppy though, will ultimately determine what your puppy grows up to be like, in confidence.
Owners can totally undo all of our hard work in a matter of weeks, as they are the puppy's new pack and puppy wants to fit in.
So make sure as the new pack leader you can mirror the behaviour you want to see and have in your puppy.

So if the doorbell rings... sit there... do not react... if puppy barks say a firm "NO BARK" and sit there.
When puppy looks calm you can calmly get up, walk slowly to the door, open the door
and keep your energy level and voice LOW and low key.
If puppy still gets excited when the doorbell rings, then set up a scenario with a friend you can text, ringing the doorbell 1x.
I say Text because you might not get to answering the door and they will need to know when to ring it again
without puppy knowing what is going on.
Get as far as you can until puppy gets too excited then go back and sit down ignoring puppy. No corrections, no coddling.
Repeat the doorbell scenario until puppy is totally calm for the entire process of you answering the door and you can break this
training up into several days with you never getting to the point that you can answer the door for a couple days.
This is fine as it is a learning process.

When going for a car ride puppy should be in a cage for their safety.
Cage should be facing foward to avoid car sickness (think how you would feel sitting sideways or backwards)
IF puppy barks, you should verbally correct with a "NO BARK" and NEVER EVER chatter away or have a conversation with puppy
during the trips in the car. This is because they will not understand what you are saying, but you will be getting them worked up.

If puppy is scared during thunderstorms start playing their favorite game in the house with them... help them
forget what is going on outside... or feed them that special bone or food you saved for this occasion. This will help them
associate pleasant experiences with scary events. them you are not afraid by not reacting to the noise.

Of course my biggest pet peeve with bad dog owners has to be at the Vet Clinic.
Owners bring their dogs into the Vet on a tight leash (which tells puppy to be scared or protect)
They then sit down and let their dogs bark without a correction ! Just bad or lazy puppy parenting !!
Your puppy needs to learn what is acceptable behaviour in a public place is and learn this from YOU.
AND barking, whining, or lunging at other dogs or sniffing other dogs, is NOT acceptable behaviour, that is LAZY puppy parenting
If you are a good pack leader puppy will be watching and more interested in you and laying beside you.
And not anxious, stressed or aggressive and you will not have to keep correcting or issuing commands either.

Then there is the other owner that coddles and pats and constantly babbles to their dog
Which stresses their dog out to the point that the dog is a quivering mess of nerves.

So when going to the vet, loose leash, give a correction with the leash, if puppy does any lunging, bringing
Puppy to your side and then slacking again on the leash. Puppy should lay nicely beside you.
Give a command down and then ENFORCE it. You can even put your foot over the leash that is tightly to the ground
to keep the puppy in the down position. Never keep repeating yourself as your puppy will become
deaf to your commands and they also loose any meaning and you loose any ability to be a good Pack Leader

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My Standard Poodles are not for people who have what I call a "marshmallow personality".
The type of people who are often referred to as "big softies". Or people who wish a dog to spoil rotten.
These are the people that take their dog to the groomers or Vet's office and will comfort and baby talk to their dogs
Although these people sound like "wonderful" owners, they are the worst nightmare of owners
to own puppies that have not yet been properly trained or house broke.
Because these people usually do not have the time, energy, know how, or want to spend the time teaching basics.
They will not be happy with their puppy, because of the many bad behaviours they allowed and encouraged to develop.

Many first time Puppy owners may also lack the knowledge,
support, training and preplanning, to properly raise a puppy
First time puppy owners often easily and quickly overwhelmed by the vast amount of advise
they receive and they often keep switching training techniques confusing the puppy and frustrating both owner and puppy
as well as creating behaviour problems, from puppy confusion.

Owners need to preplan how they are going to toilet train their puppy, how they are going to
train puppy not to jump, nip, bite, bark, tolerate grooming, so that everyone in the family is on the same page and is going
to be firm, fair and consistant so puppy will have the greatest chance of success, to be a welcome addition.

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Mastering Leadership

Series Vol. 1: People Training for Dogs (DVD)

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Mastering Leadership
Series Vol. 2: Becoming a Pack Leader (DVD)

How to Raise the Perfect Dog
Cesar Millan illustrating puppy raising tips
This should be mandatory viewing for anyone considering getting a puppy

Both Marshmallow Personalities and First time Dog Owners with no consistant plan for raising a puppy
would do better with an older Standard Poodle, perhaps a retired breeding Poodle or a rescue Poodle.
Basically a Poodle who is already trained and will not be a challenge to raise.
People can find these dogs through local Poodle Clubs *(by googling) or through the Poodle Club of America
We also offer many training tips on our web page Obedience Training but what ever training choice you make
it is important that you are "consistant, fair and firm" and that everyone in the household is on the same page.

(This is my Poodle pack all told to remain in a sit stay much to the surprise of the photographer)

However an owner willing to spend very little time and effort to raise and teach their new puppy proper manners,
establishing a good base for training, will have a confident, happy, eager to please puppy in no time,
who is welcome everywhere and the new owner will enjoy having as a best friend for many years.
Tips on New Puppy Questions are here:

(Poodles for Special Needs)

The Poodle is exceptionally smart, active, breed that has an excellent nose for tracking and excels in obedience, retrieving, agility, therapy work and is often used as Seeing Eye Dogs and Special Needs dogs. Standard Poodles love the water and have webbed feet. A standard Poodle is physically capable and will do any sport or activity that the owner wants them to do, because a Poodles only goal in life is to please their owner.

Bijou Poodle's Do Stuff !

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Field work....................................Obedience...... Alter.......Conformation.....................Agility

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Rally Obedience..................................Weight Pulling.......................Lure Coursing

Toy is the smallest under 10"..... Minature is 10"-15"....... Standard Poodle is any size over 15"

The breed comes in three size varieties, which may contribute to why Poodle is one of the most popular breeds
according to the numbers from AKC as they group the three sizes together.
Toy is less than 10", Miniature is 10" to 15" and the Standard being over 15".
Breeders however have created marketing phrases to emphasis the size of their poodles
so phrases like "Tea Cup" are used for small Toy Poodles under 10", "Moyen/Klein" is used to describe
larger miniature poodles 15"-18" and Royal Poodles is used to describe Standard Poodles over 25" tall.
these terms are marketing tools to describe heights of Poodles that Breeders are specializing in.

(one of our browns we produced is on the left ..... on the right is a normal sized Standard Poodle from another breeder)

Generally Standard Poodles are 23-24" and weight 45lbs-55lbs but really depends on what the breeder
is breeding for and what size the parents are. Some breeders breed for larger or smaller standard Poodles.
We are breeding for a larger, muscular, athletic, physically capable Standard Poodle.
Our Poodles are 25" to 28" and will weigh 48lbs to 80lbs depending on the parents
and of course males being larger than females.
We do get pups that range in size and can occasionally have a normal sized Standard.

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Dogs are measured from the withers or the shoulders as in the photo above.
The best way to measure a Poodle is with a professional wicket or by placing the Poodle on the grooming table
and using a tape measure and a ruler across the shoulders keeping it straight.
You will not get perfect measurements but you will get a basic idea of your dog's height.

Poodles do have a variety of coats. To read more about this check our link :
Poodle Coats

Prince Rupert and his Standard Poodle "Boyu"

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The breed originated in Germany as a water retriever. The distinctive "Continental Clip" or often called
the "fru fru clip" by the public, was designed by hunters in as early as the 1600's to help the dogs move through the water more efficiently.
For the Historically-correct working-Continental Clip, they left slightly longer patches of hair
on the body to protect vital organs and joints which are susceptible to cold.

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Over the years this once "functional" Historically correct Continential Clip,
has become so very over exaggerated and enhanced to the point that it is
Only Professional Groomers or Handlers, can maintain the AKC, CKC, FCI "show" coats,
by constant vigilance, isolation from other dogs and the damaging environment
and the strict routine of weekly bathing combing and wrapping up the precious hair
which will need to grow to over 10" in length for a show clip. Of course show Poodles are also dyed,
sprayed and also wear hair pieces to maintain the "continental clip" we see in the show ring
when the poodle turns 1 year of age. Showing a standard poodle is usually impossible for the general public,
who usually hire Professional handlers who will keep the puppy, until they finish their Championship,
maintaining the coat and clip, for them at a cost $1,500.00/month for 12 months or more.
Unless you know how to show groom a Poodle yourself, showing a Standard Poodle, will be a VERY expensive endeavour.
Most show poodles are kept confined in a kennel or cage and have a VERY hyper,
anxious, pacey nature which is a wonderful eye catching display in the show ring.
However we found this nature unbearable to live with in our home, so we do NOT have Poodles with hyper temperament.
Our poodles are laid back, calm, loving and content just being with you and doing what you are doing.

The general public that owns Standard Poodles will take them to the groomer every 6-8 weeks for a bath and clip at a cost of $45.00-$120.00 depending on the skill level and demand of the groomer and also the presented condition of the dog and of course how much de-matting is required. Poodles can be in any clip or shaved any way you want.
Hair does grow back so you can be creative and test different styles out yourself.

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(Copper and Mister in their teddy bear clip)

You do not have to shave your poodle's face or feet if you don't wish to.
There are several different clips and styles that you can keep your poodle in.
Some people even keep their Poodles looking like a pony with a full mane.

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UKC (United Kennel Club)
Allows Poodles to be shown in the Sporting Clip.
This clip has the face, feet, throat and base of tail are shaved. There is a pompon on the end of the tail.
Coat on the top of the head is scissored into a cap. The rest of the body and legs are trimmed following the outline of the dog.
The body coat shall be no longer than 1 inch in length. Leg hair may be slightly longer.

(Finnegan, Reigna, Finn)

Many of our puppy people enjoy showing their pups in UKC Alter Class and in Obedience and Lure Coursing.
UKC is a Relaxed, Fun, Family-oriented atmosphere where No Professional Handlers are allowed!
This is what makes UKC "relaxed" as no one's "income" depends on a win, so everyone helps everyone else.
Professional handlers can only participate in UKC Conformation events with dogs that they own,
which generally means they do not bother with showing in UKC.
UKC Clubs Usually accept Day of Show entries and they have 2 shows a day.
UKC also has Alter Classes
Purebred, spayed and neutered UKC registered dogs will have the opportunity to earn Altered Conformation titles
at UKC Conformation events where Altered Conformation Classes are offered.

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The Poodle can accommodate nearly any size living quarters from apartments to mansions.
A Standard Poodle is NOT a breed that will tolerate being housed outside, away from their families.
Their hypoallergenic coat may reduce allergic reactions (if kept clean of pollen or allergens),
but requires regular weekly combing to avoid knots and will require professional grooming 4-6 months.
The Poodle is an active breed and requires daily exercise of at least a 30 minute walk 2x a day
or a romp with friends at the dog park 2x a day. Poodles are happiest when they feel they have a job
either learning obedience, visiting people who will fawn over them, or just shopping with their owners
and especially when they have routine.

Poodles do enjoy the company of other dogs, especially other poodles. Standard Poodles get along well with birds, cats, rabbits, horses, basically any creature that you introduce them to and expect them to accept. When bringing a puppy home, it is important to interfer as little as possible while the animals are getting to know each other. They will sort it out safely usually as long as us humans stay out of the mix.

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Standard Poodles are also not prone to wandering (if spayed/neutered), preferring to be a part of the family
and be where their humans are and being involved in what their humans are doing.
Standard Poodles also want to do what ever their owners are doing from Jogging, boating, horse back riding
a poodle will do what ever you want them to do with you. They are the ideal companion.

Recent findings confirm that Can f 1 and Can f 2 are major and minor dog allergens, respectively
Which now allows certain labs to be able to test for these allergens.
It is also interesting to note that there are MANY dog breeds that are said to have lower allergen levels
so a person is not restricted to just the Poodle breed because of allergies. Just google "hypoallergenic dogs".
We have placed the majority of our Poodles in homes where people suffered from allergies to other breeds
and they have not reacted to our poodles when they wash the puppy with the same shampoo that the allergic people use.

Standard Poodles are also very gentle and a mature Poodle, will accept discipline without challenge,
which is why it is paramount to make sure that young children are always supervised with them.

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Poodle puppies are very sensitive to their owners emotions and the energy of the household (or pack) so if you have very excitable children, the poodle puppy will grow to be excitable as well, as this is your household normal behaviour, the behaviour you allow. If you are fearful or anxious in certain situations, then your puppy will feel that and react that way as well. If you comfort a scared or cautious Poodle puppy then you have just taught that puppy to be fearful of that situation or that object. But if you are low energy, calm and a positive person or your children are well behaved welcome everywhere, then your Poodle puppy will be a wonderful, happy, confident, obedient Poodle.

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A standard Poodle is not prone to indiscriminate barking like their smaller cousins the toy and miniature,
(unless the owner has trained them to be that way with encouragement, or by comforting or baby talking to a scared puppy to name a few).
However a Standard Poodle will also willingly by instinct (you do not have to encourage this at all) have a strong desire to protect and will not back down from a threat to their family. The poodle is also smart enough to know the difference between the routine comings and goings of people and an intruder or someone that is not supposed to be there and will alert their family with a deep roar like bark not often heard. Poodles make great jogging partners and will often discouraging the, would be, attackers because of their size.
(take in consideration that they are the same size and have the same capability as a Doberman).

A good example of this bad poodle parenting, is when you take your puppy to the Vet's office and you comfort, constantly stroke, coddle or baby talk to that puppy. You have just taught your puppy to be scared of the Vet's office. Another example would be during a pending thunder or lightening storm when owners will run around shutting windows, shouting at each other and worse case, again comfort, constantly stroking, coddling or baby talking to that puppy, as they are teaching the puppy that they are scared and puppy should be too.

Another example of bad Poodle Parenting, is when you and your dog are in your car and you chat away to them
and sound excited, as this will get the puppy all worked up with your high energy. Even worse is the owner that
gets their dog worked up with statments of "where are we going", "are we going to the dog park" ?
while the puppy can't understand all that you are saying they will know that you are excited and appear anxious
and this will worry them and make them anxious, which will often lead to stomach upset with vomitting, whining and or barking
It is best to put puppy in a cage for their safety when travelling or to invest in a dog seat belt and never excitedly chat to the puppy
during the journey. Remember the calmer, more confident and relaxed you are, is how the puppy will be. Act how you want your puppy to be.

Another example of bad poodle parenting, is when people put their puppy in the cage at night time, or when they to go to work and because they will often feel badly, they comfort, stroke, coddle or baby talk to that puppy while putting in or out of the cage. This tells puppy something bad is happening, you are scared and they should be too. This also teaches the puppy to be anxious about going into cages and can even develop into separation anxiety. Poodle puppies are not born to be fearful or anxious, it is their human parents that help shape and or mould their life long behaviours.
When in doubt how to react, it is best to not say anything.

IT is up to the owners 100% how the behaviour is of the dog ultimately is around children and in any given situation.
I can have the most placid calm puppy and it could be raised to be a complete terror depending on what kind of parent the person is.
People that are going to be bad dog parents will be bad puppy owners because they do not know, or have the energy to be good leaders.
For example the parent that has their child constantly pestering them in the grocery store for goodies and the parent
either ignores or starts to bribe "jonny" with a sweet if he is good, will be the most horrible dog parent.
The parent that lets their child run wild, or stand in the booths at a restaurant, will be a bad dog parent.
People who are lazy, bad human parents will be the same way with their new puppy, there is no beating around the bush.

Because Poodles are so into their humans it is paramount that the new owners
treat every situation with confidence, matter of fact tones, and never any coddling.
Act how you would wish your puppy to behave in any situation,
laughing during thunderstorms, no talking and calmly putting them in and out of the cage,
not reacting when the doorbell rings or mail carrier walks by, are simple yet important
behaviours to "example" for your poodle puppy to copy.

Our Standard Poodles toilet train very quickly with diligent owners, usually within 7 days to the kitchen area. Some of our puppy people even train the puppy to ring a bell hanging off the door, to ask to go outside. A Standard Poodle puppy raised properly, will be the most intelligent, empathetic, human like breed of dog you will ever meet. A Standard Poodle will almost read your mind and know what you wish for them to do and do it.

For even more information about the Standard Poodle
~ Click Here ~

Physically: Our Red poodles tend to be 23"-27" in height and also 45-65lbs.
Reds are slighter boned and more refined and "pretty" in their looks more like what you would find in a show ring.
Reds we keep are dark Irish setter red, black pigmentation, muscular and thicker boned, which we breed together.
We will usually get dark Irish setter pups with correct dark brown eyes and jet black nose, eye rims commonly referred to as "points"
in our litters, but this is still very rare with only a hand full of breeders producing real reds.
Photos of our reds just do not do them justice, as they are so much darker than they appear in video.
Every colour will fade at some point and at some degree but we hope to prevent or prolong that from happening by select breeding and DNA testing.
Our Reds can stay Irish Setter Red or, if they are born lighter, they can mature to a light red or dark apricot with age.
We have seen dark red pups from other breeders go almost completely white if they have not had a mostly red Pedigree.
Best guarantee that your puppy will stay red is to see both of the parents current photos and videos.
Our reds are FAST... they are the Lance Armstrongs of the poodle world for sure. Lots of wind and can
out race our browns in a game of keep away or tag. Our Reds would LOVE Agility, Rally, and of course Therapy work.
Temperament : Well if you have seen Velcro on shoes... you will know what I mean when I say
our Reds are like Velcro dogs. They want to be everywhere you are, even in the bathroom.
If you are not prepared or even desire this type of constant attention from a Poodle, then a red will not be for you.
Reds are total devotion, dedication and adoration and huge cuddlers.
All our poodles have calm laid back temperament. NO hyper pacing or barking.
Males are more laid back content to rest on your feet
Females wish to be on your lap and also wish to know where everyone in the household is and what they are up to.

Physically: They range from 24"-28" and 45lbs-85lbs.
Our Browns tend to range in size really depending on the parents
Our smallest brown female is Sophie and our Largest is Java
Our Browns tend to be more "course" than what you would typically see at a dog show and for sure
have loads more muscle and boning than the average chicken boned poodle you may meet.
Our Brown poodles are DARK brown. This is very difficult to have achieved and took many years.
Our pups may get a sprinkle of grey hairs through their coat when they get older and may even lighten
on their muzzle or tail area when they age. There really is no guarantee on colour even though we do
DNA test to ensure our poodles do not carry the fading gene and we selectively breed the darkest browns.
Temperament : Our Browns are sweet natured, calm and yes they have that poodle sense of humor.
All our poodles have calm laid back temperament. NO hyper pacing or barking.
Our Browns love to be with you in the same room or on the couch beside you cuddling during a movie.
I use my browns as my jogging partners as they are taller and longer limbed able to do 6km with me
without any stress or strain and they actually look forward to it and enjoy the activity.
Browns and all poodles will actually do any activity that pleases you as that is just the breed's nature.
Over the years I have done Tracking (ALL dogs love this sport), Schutzhund, Obedience, Rally, Conformation,
Pet therapy, Lure Coursing and Agility with my poodles and they all performed well.

Canine Behavior/My poodle is running the show!

Expert: Chicago Dog Trainer J. Hack - 10/8/2008

I am currently owned by a 10 month old Standard Poodle "Schumann".
We have attended several basic obedience classes already and I have been attempting to follow through on the principles taught.
When we are at home together he is typically fairly well behaved.
Despite the training, there are still some issues that I can't seem to get a handle on:

1) Barking, barking, barking!
He will spend his time watching out the window and barking at passing people and cars.
When we are out on leash, he will bark at neighbours and cars driving by. No amount to "time outs" seem to help.
The same goes for the doorbell. He turns into this Tasmanian devil and guests are barked at, jumped on and pawed as a greeting.

2) Pulling on the leash: I have tried the treat method to get him to heel but I find that he will heel well when he wants a treat
but as soon as a car that looks good to chase passes, it is more interesting and I find it impossible to get his attention.
On several occasions he has almost pulled me over on walks as he lunges at people, cars, dogs.
Recently I purchased a Halti harness, however he will lag way behind me and does not heel despite treats and encouragement.

3) Recently I have found that Schumann has developed an antisocial disposition towards other dogs.
When he meets new dogs on the leash, he will growl, bark and jump back. He is not this way towards the dogs he is familiar with.
He has never had a bad experience around another dog. The same goes for small children.
When friends bring young children to my house, he is absolutely out of control! He will bark and chase them.
It is exhausting and makes it difficult for people to come comfortably to my home.

I have read Cesar Milan's book and like the idea of being the pack leader but clearly I am missing the practical tips
on exactly how to communicate to Schumann that I am pack leader and maintain that.
I am afraid that he is going to be running our lives soon!
Thank you, I look forward to your thoughts.
Erika and Schumann


The problems you are having are very common and can be fixed.
The dog is just totally out of control and yes he is running the show.

I am not sure what sort of trainer you worked with, or what they taught you, but I don't rely on using treats in training.
If you went through an obedience course, there is no reason the dog should be pulling you or barking.
I would find a trainer who can teach you how to correct a dog, using a pinch collar and a leash.
Bijou Poodles trains our poodles to heel on the following videos:
introduction to heeling
Day 2 of heeling using "watch me" command
Day 2 of Heeling
We also list several training tips on our Obedience training web page.

Then all those nuisance behaviors like unwanted barking can be corrected for, either verbally or physically.
I have multiple dogs and a silent house. The way I do it with my dogs is they get one verbal warning for barking
(either in the crate or in the house) and after that, no more verbal warnings and I follow through with a physical correction.
They know this because it is consistent and they understand it. Dogs are physical creatures, from the time they were puppies
and their mother reprimanded them with a nip. This is what they understand. Different dogs need different levels of corrections
and they are only reprimanded for things they already know, in a fair way.

The problem with using treats is the exact problem you are experiencing. The dog will listen when he wants the reward
but when there is something else that is worth MORE to him than the treat (like his desire to chase a dog, squirrel, sniff trees, etc)
he will not listen. Dogs who are trained like that have no respect for their handler, they are simply being bribed into doing things.
It's like if you were in a restaurant with your child and could only get your child to stop running around and have a seat
by giving them an ice cream sundae, instead of just because you told them to. Dogs are not children
(we cannot negotiate with dogs or sit down and reason with them) but both cannot be raised properly without boundaries
or you will create a little monster. Of course dogs should be rewarded for making the right choices,
but to reward is different than to bribe. Rewards come afterwards and are usually praise, they can also be petting,
favorite toys, a walk, playing, free time, a treat, etc.

His antisocial behavior towards dogs is not about the other dog, but is about the relationship between him and you.
He is not dog-aggressive, but is putting on a big display show because he is on the end of a leash and because he CAN.
because he gets away with it. This display could be dangerous if he does it to the wrong dog who takes it as a challenge.
Bijou Poodles believes in this case the Poodle is guarding his owner as he would a favoured toy.
This owner is not a leader but a toy, that the Poodle feels belongs to him and is warning other dogs away.
Once owner learns to be a leader, the dog will not have this behaviour as his owner won't be a toy any longer

Since you mentioned "pack leaders" think of what a pack leader is in the world of dogs.
The pack leader controls movement of the other dogs and keeps them in line, both physically
(body language, corrections like nipping) and through vocalizations. You can show this control through having the dog do down-stays.
The leader has first rights on food and they say where and when things begin AND end.
Your dog does not come up to you and ask or demand to be petted, YOU decide when/if you want to pet him
or if you want to ignore him. He does not demand to play, or initiate games, you do, and only after he's done some things for you
(sit/down/stay) so he works for his rewards. The dog also does not sleep in the bed, because that is putting them on the level of humans
at least in their mind. This also relates to walking on the leash. As a pack leader would not be pulled around,
trailing behind the dog to wherever the dog wants to go. Be calm, confident and strong, but always fair (pack leaders are not bullies).

Cesar Milan might possibly have some helpful ideas in his book on "pack leaders", but I am not sure how easily his ideas
can be applied by pet owners to their own dogs. It is much more helpful to have a trainer who is there in person, hands-on
and can apply it directly to your dog as an individual.

Mastering Leadership
Series Vol. 1: People Training for Dogs (DVD)

Mastering Leadership
Series Vol. 2: Becoming a Pack Leader (DVD)


Poodle specific breed Books

The Complete Standard Poodle [Hardcover]
Eileen Geeson
Very informative about the Poodle and Structure

The New Poodle [Hardcover]
Mackey J. Irick Jr. (Author)
Very informative about various lines and colour breeding

Click to view AKC's Poodle Breed Video

Can also be purchased at the AKC store

Animal Planet's Dogs 101 "Poodle"
View on Animal Planet in good quality