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BISV, Grand Champion - "Palmares Paris to Mithril", SPOT, CGN, TDI, CGC

"Paris" - Red Female
Height: 22.5"
Weight: 38.4 lbs
10 generation COI= 11.02%

Paris has tested CLEAR of the following Health Problems and Diseases:
*CERF (eyes)
*Hip Displasia
*Thyroid Disease
*Elbow Displasia
*Patellar Luxation
*Dentition Database
*Degenerative Myelopathy
*Congenital Cardiac Disease
*vWD (Von Willebrand's Disease)
*Neonatal Encephalopathy with Seizures

~ Paris ~

Paris's pedigree contains some of the most influential names in red poodle history, such as Palmares, Majestic and Mithril.
Paris has produced some stunning pups in the past that are UKC Grand Champions
including our own Blossom, Faith and Lucy

We received a call for help from a Breeder who said she needed to place her dogs as she was dying of a brain tumor.
We decided to rescue Paris, because of her amazing pedigree and personality and to help this breeder out.
I have never regretted my choice. Paris went on to Grand Champion and she will be competing in Rally Obedience.

The day I picked Paris up at the airport, I met the sweetest, soft natured bigger standard Poodle that just wanted to lean into me.
This is just the temperament that I love to own and of course produce. I could not be happier.
Paris and I went to a local park in NY and sat down to relax on a blanket with a book that I brought along.
I must have dozed off as next thing I knew I had this Snapping, snarling, bristling dog standing above me "roaring"
and saw this big burly stranger running in the opposite direction without the purse he was obviously aiming to steal.
I was so surprised that I just sat there, as Paris composed herself and laid down across my lap as if nothing happened.
People always as me if a Standard Poodle will protect. Well, I have many stories like this of my Poodles protecting home and family
and they are all very soft, sweet dogs who you would least expect to suddenly turn into a Rottweiler. But that is a good, Standard Poodle
Temperament that is confident and secure enough to be a family member and to only defend when absolutely needed and not be barky or hyper.
We were fortunate to be able to have Paris join our Poodle family and she has fit right in the first day.
Paris entered our home and soon made quick claims to one of our big dog beds.

(Paris being silly wanting the same spot as Ruby..don't worry as Ruby does this to Paris too)

Ruby was a bit leery of this new addition, but after a couple days her and Ruby were entwined on the couch like best friends.
Paris is always first out the door to the car to do our morning Tim Horton run, much to Ruby's dismay.
Paris is exceptionally cuddly, fearless, "happy go lucky" nature, eager to please and is such a real Velcro dog, always nearby.
Paris greats us every morning with a huge hug and a kiss, happy to start the day.
She is always willing to share affections and even the most coveted dog bones.
When our Cocoa the matriarch of our Poodle family became ill, it was Paris who kept her warm by
pressing into her and wrapping around her, Paris who cleaned Cocoa's weepy eyes if we were not on top of it
and it was Paris who came and sat my lap and leaned into me for hours in comfort when Cocoa passed on, not
minding that she was soon soaking wet, covered in shed tears.

We nick named Paris "Nurse Paris" as she is such a care giver always looking out for others.
When my husband had his hip and later shoulder surgery, Paris would make sure that he was never alone and if he needed
anything she would come and find me just like "Lassie".
Everyone that comes to visit, always want to take Paris home with them.

Grandmother "Paris", Mother "Faith" and daughter "Bell"
3 generations of Bijou Poodles

June 2019
Fancy's family tree

December 2018

August 19, 2017
Rockton, Ontario
Judge Eleanor Heagy
Paris wins Best in Show Veteran at 10.5 years of age!!

August 19, 2017

Princeton, Ontario
July 26, 2017
Paris earns her CKC Canine Good Neighbour Title !
Way to go Crystal and Paris !!

~ December 12, 2016 ~
Paris doing what we call the "Crazy Yoga"
2x a day she does this and stretches and contorts
she also plays with the young pups, so that helps keep her young :)

~ April 2, 2016 ~
Princeton, Ontario
Judge: Linda Zucker
Paris Achieves her S.P.O.T. Title
I decided to drag poor Paris off of the couch to go to a show
with her daughter Faith to get her temperament title to prove
to the world what we have been saying all along, that Paris has an amazing
sweet loving nature.

~ November 2014 ~
Paris wins Reserve Best in Breed
Locke, NY

~ June 7, 2014 ~
Judge: Cheryl Lantz
Paris wins 3 Best Champions
Best of Breed and Group 4th

July 2013
Lansing, MI
Paris making new friends with a cream standard Poodle named Teddy at the resort

January 2012
Paris warming up by the fire.

November 2011
Blossom taking "reserve" and her mother won Champion Class

Judge: Linda Millman
Paris wins Champion Class and is a New Grand Champion !!

Paris and her daughter Blossom helping to cook spaghetti sauce
Well at least hoping for samples anyway

Paris's favorite spot to sit at the dog shows

November 2011
Locke, NY
Paris wins 3 Best Champion Classes !!!

October 2011
Peoria, IL
Judge Deb Beean
Paris was being shown by a Juinior Hander "Devon" and they soon became best friends
Paris won Champion Class, Best in Breed and a win towards her Grand Championship

October 2011

Paris laying beside the fire place on her cushion

~ Meet Paris ~

2010 Our Beautiful Paris, enjoying the summer weather

Paris is an excellent guard dog, protecting our home from the many squirrels

Paris waiting to go to for Coffee

Paris is a NEW CHAMPION !!
Special thanks to Judges:
Judge: Eleanor Heagy
Judge: Billy Milne
Judge: Jocelyne Gagne

July 2010
Paris winning First Place !!
Special thanks to Judge: Carrianna Glenn
When I came back from the show on the Friday Paris looked so sad I decided that even though
she just arrived 10 days ago that I would bring her to her first dog show. She was happy to not be left behind for sure
but was leery about jogging around a ring and having strangers fawn all over her.
This was also one of the hottest most humid and stormy weekends. Humans got sunburn and dogs were exhausted.
But Paris seemed to thrive and soon shook off any doubts she had and went on to win her class over a Best in Breed winner !!
Paris is now pointed and on her way to her UKC championship.

Paris laying in Cocoa's favorite spot

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